For Investec Private Banking clients, Aon's Professional Indemnity insurance broking solutions, underwritten by leading insurers.

As a professional, we understand the huge investment you have made into your career and business. It’s an exceptional achievement underpinned by a great deal of personal sacrifice, so we understand how important it is to secure not only your hard-earned assets and equipment, but your reputation too.

Our sole focus is on providing you with comprehensive and cost-effective risk coverage and professional advice with over 30 years’ experience in Professional Indemnity insurance in South Africa, our Expert Brokers will conduct a full insurance needs analysis to understand your risk and insurance requirements.

Our comprehensive insurance broking solutions are underwritten by reputable insurers and approved by Aon Global Market Security to ensure that you are dealing with a company who has the financial stability and claims philosophy to respond to your needs at the time of a loss.